Happy 13th birthday, ALEP!

The Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners (ALEP) is proud to be celebrating 13 years at the forefront of the enfranchisement sector.

Happy 13th birthday, ALEP!

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The Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners (ALEP) is proud to be celebrating 13 years at the forefront of the enfranchisement sector. 

ALEP founder and director Anna Bailey said: “I am very proud of how far ALEP has come since my brother, Alex Greenslade, and I launched it in 2007; It is now an award-winning association with more than 260 members – four of which have joined during lockdown. It’s a fantastic achievement by my ALEP colleagues and all our members over the years who have contributed to its growth.”

“Moreover, how we’ve adapted and developed over the last few challenging months is true testament to the ALEP team and indeed our members. Rather than being unlucky 13, thanks to our ability to react, ALEP is in a strong position to continue to pursue our aims and objectives through to 2021.” 

As part of modifying its practices to deal with the COVID-19 situation, ALEP has taken the lead with practical steps to ensure best practice continues in the Association and across the sector. ALEP’s protocol for Service of Initial Notices and Counter-Notices offers a solution to some of the challenges currently being faced by its members and professionals, and the Association has encouraged all members to adopt this protocol to ensure quality service for their clients continues. 

Anna added: “Another aspect of ALEP’s popularity is the variety of educational and networking events we’ve held over the years. We’ve delivered 23 Conferences, three Lectures and numerous golf days, seasonal drinks, racing events and quiz nights – certainly something for everyone! We’re also proud to have expanded our reach in recent years, with events in Manchester, Southampton, Bath and Brighton attracting our regional members. 

“I would like to thank our members, partners, sponsors and team for making ALEP what it is today. Thank you, all here’s to the next 13 years and beyond!”