ALEP welcomes Government action on cladding for low-rise flats

The Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners (ALEP) has welcomed action taken by the Government to make developers responsible for meeting to cost of removing unsafe cladding for lower height buildings.

ALEP welcomes Government action on cladding for low-rise flats

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The Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners (ALEP) has welcomed action taken by the Government to make developers responsible for meeting to cost of removing unsafe cladding for lower height buildings.

Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has announced today (10 January 2022) that leaseholders in buildings 11 to 18 metres in height will no longer have to contribute to replacing cladding, although there is currently no help for those living in buildings under 11 metres high.

In a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Gove also warned developers they must agree a £4 billion plan to fix dangerous cladding on low-rise flats by March or risk new laws compelling them to act.

Mark Chick, ALEP Director, said: “ALEP welcomes today’s announcement by the Housing Secretary, which will hopefully free leaseholders living in lower height buildings from the burden of paying to remove unsafe cladding materials. It is entirely appropriate that the companies responsible for installing defective materials should pay for any removal and remediation work, rather than the home owner. 

“However, many flat owners have been left in limbo, unable to sell or remortgage their property until any uncertainty concerning the exact type of cladding on their block has been resolved. Therefore, it is essential that Government now works with the wider construction industry to identify those blocks that are actually at risk.”