ARMA announces new Independent Regulator

ARMA (the Association of Residential Managing Agents) is delighted to announce the appointment of former government minister Sally Keeble as its new Independent Regulator. Sally will chair the Regulatory Panel which oversees ARMA members and determines disciplinary outcomes of cases involving member firms.
Independent Regulator

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ARMA is the leading trade association for residential leasehold managing agents in England and Wales. It works to achieve the highest standards of leasehold property management and campaigns for improvements in legislation and policy for the benefit of consumers. The Regulator and Panel are operationally independent of ARMA and the Association has no power to intervene in its affairs.

As a government minister, Sally had responsibility for social exclusion and housing and has enjoyed a varied and highly successful career in senior positions, including council leader of the London Borough of Southwark. As a minister, Sally took the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 through Parliament and most recently held a senior role in international development.

Current Independent Regulator, the Rt Hon Keith Hill, said: “The calibre of applicants as exceptionally high and Sally is expertly placed to take over a role which is crucial for the standing and integrity of the independent status of the Panel.”

Sally will take up the appointment in November 2016 when Keith stands down after three years in the role.