RTE provisions set to be repealed

The government has begun a consultation regarding Right To Enfranchise companies, originally planned in the 2002 Act.


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The government looks set to repeal one of the more contentious provision of the 2002 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act. On May 12 it released a consultation paper that sets out the issues that have arisen in relation to the implementation of the Right to Enfranchise (RTE) provisions in the 2002 Act.

Its aim is to seek views on the options that have been identified for how these could be dealt with and the proposal for the non-implementtaion and repeal of these provisions.

It admits that it is a solution looking for a problem and that most professional agree that there is little need for RTE companies to be required. The nominee purchasor companies and the existing process rarely lead to the predicted disenfranchisement of many flat owners in a block where half of the owners are looking to buy the freehold.

A copy of the White Paper can be downloaded at:


Responses are requested by August 3, 2009.