ALEP Conference Spring 2011 audio and notes ready to download

Whether you wanted to hear the talks again, download the slides as a reminder or were not able to attend this month's conference, visit the 'past events' section to browse the downloads


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We have for the first time made available edited audio of the main speakers from the conference. You can either listen on your PC or download them as an MP3 podcast and listen to them on your portable music player or even the phone.

Go to the conference report and downloads by clicking here

Both the keynotes and the panel sessions are available. The sound has been improved so you may now be able to hear some of the comments that might have been missed on the day.

As usual, the slides are available as downloadable pdf’s.

A reminder of the Spring 2011 line up:

Anthony Radevsky
Anthony is a barrister at Falcon Chambers will be discussing the recent McHale case that centred on the relevance or otherwise of the ‘No Act World’ principle in determining tenants’ liability to pay marriage value.

Ray Boulger
Ray Boulger of John Charcol is widely renowned as the guru of the mortgage industry. Against the backdrop of a rapidly-changing market, he will discuss different lenders’ approaches to leasehold property.

Fielding questions submitted in advance, the panel will be asked to comment on some of the burning issues of the day to round off the conference. Audience involvement will be encouraged with interactive voting.


  • Anthony Radevsky
  • Ray Boulger
  • Samantha Bone of Wallace LLP
  • Robert Orr-Ewing of Knight Frank
  • David Ramsell of the Cadogan Estate

Access to the audio and the slides is a member benefit so only logged-in members will be able to access it. If you would like CDs of the audio of the main speakers and the panel session from the conference then this is chargeable at £30 ex VAT. Email if you would like to order.

Go to the conference report and downloads by clicking here